Traditional animation

Traditional animation

Limited animation
 "Limited animation is a process of making animated cartoons that does not redraw entire frames but variably reuses common parts between frames. One of its major trademarks is the stylized design in all forms and shapes, which in the early days was referred to as modern design".

"rotoscoping is the rotated projection of a sequence of usually photographed action image frames so that the artist can trace from the frame or create an image to superimpose on it".

"A live-action/animated film is a motion picture that features a combination of real actors or elements: live-action and animated elements, typically interacting".

Drawn on film animation
"Drawn-on-film animation, also known as direct animation or animation without camera, is an animation technique where footage is produced by creating the images directly on film stock, as opposed to any other form of animation where the images or objects are photographed frame by frame with an animation camera".

"A small book consisting of a series of images that give the illusion of continuous movement when the edges of the pages are flipped quickly"

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